Tuesday, February 1, 2011

These Arms of Mine - Otis Redding

These arms of mine will not be empty tonight! He's coming home today! And so far, with the bitter cold here and the winter mess through so much of the country, his flight is still on schedule. Please, God, may he have a safe flight!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Missing Him Monday...a day late

I missed yesterday. My anxiety level is high...we only have 7 days, 5 hours and 58 minutes until we are reunited! Somehow most of the last six months have been much easier than these past 2 weeks! To say I can't wait for him to get home would be a complete understatement. All the emotions, fears, worries, etc. that have been kept in check for the deployment seem to be flooding out of me now. Funny how that works.

Anyway, now that he is so close to being home, his usual "chores" won't be mine for much longer. Tuesday is trash day. Every other Tuesday is recycling day. There are only 2 more Tuesday mornings before he gets home! So, I took out the trash this morning, and next Tuesday I will take out the trash and the recycling. Then I am done! =)

So, Dear, missing you immensely is...

...or should I say me? Let me add how grateful I am to have a loving husband who is a great father to our children and a man who is willing to help me with anything and everything!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Our middle child is relentless in the sword matches on wii! Be afraid...be very afraid!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2 Weeks

This one is for you, my true companion! I love you and can't wait until you are here...I am honestly jumping out of my skin in anticipation!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Missing Him Monday

I am tired today from shoveling snow 3 times in about a 24 hour span. We got about 6 inches total (my guess, anyway).I have discovered two things (although I am pretty sure I rediscover them each time I do this chore). 1) I loathe shoveling snow. 2) It is a really good workout! =)

He is almost done with his deployment...just 22+ (hopefully) short days until we get to meet him at the airport! The weather where he has been hasn't been quite as cold as our's has, and he hasn't had any snow. So, missing him today is the very snow I shoveled...and the snowman that could have been built...and the snowballs that could have been thrown...and the fort that could have provided a barricade. =) And even the sledding that we might have done at his high school alma mater.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday, Baby

Happy Birthday says Elvis

My hubby and Elvis share a birthday. I happen to be an Elvis fan, so this is a pretty cool coincidence. My husband likes to say one of the reasons I married him is because of that coincidence. :)

Anyway, I hope you have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my love! I couldn't sing it better than the King of Rock-n-Roll, so here ya go, babe! Love you...even more than I love Elvis! ;)